Our School 1800s

Hamilton Collection Box 14 Folder K HN 5048

Of course there were no yearbooks, but we do have some great photos. At one time there were four school districts on the Island each one was a small, one-room school building.

Below: Photo taken at the Stone School House which was built in 1853.


The 7th annual commencement of the Kelley’s Island public schools will take place June 17, 1898 at 8 pm. The class motto is ‘Light More Light’ and the class colors are red, white and blue.

June 19 1898 – The commencement exercises of the Kelley’s Island high school were held at the Island hall Friday evening. The following program was rendered in a highly creditable manner:
Music – Orchestra
Invocation – Rev. Rettig
Salutatory – ‘The mill will never grind with the water that has passed’ Rev. Rettig
Music – Chorus
Recitation  – Clarence Harvey
Essay – ‘Watchman tell us of the night’ – Irene E. Mootz
Vocal music – Wohlthun
Eulogy – ‘The Ohio Boss’ – Edward McGettigan
Invective – ‘The Ohio Boss’ – Theodore J. Deringer
Recitation – Mammie Deshinger [Dishinger]
Music – Orchestra
Recitation – ‘The Legend of the Organ Builder’ – Alma B. Brown
Piano solo – Sallie Myers
Recitation – Clara Van Nostrand
Class Prophecy – ‘We are Seven’ – Ruth E. Ward
Vocal solo – Julia Maag
Recitation – Arthur Himmelein
Piano solo – Jean Moysey
Valedictory – ‘The Ideal in Education’ – Carl W. Gehrkens
Presentation of Diplomas – Mr. Burger, president Board of Education

The most commendable feature of the exercises was the originality of the productions. In the attempt of so many high schools to ape our colleges and universities, we have too often sacrificed originality on the part of the pupil for the mere sake of show. The candid statement of the superintendent of the schools, Mr. J. F. Hertlein, at the beginning of the program that we should not expect too much was timely and aided us in forming a proper estimate of the pupil’s work.

The eulogy and the invective on ‘The Ohio Boss,’ Mark Hanna, were well received and loudly applauded, especially by those who sided with the speaker. The productions of the members of the class were a credit to themselves as well as to teachers and parents. Special praise is due the younger boys and girls whose recitations and songs delighted us, each member showing careful training.

The Kelley’s Island orchestra furnished the best of music. The decorations in the national colors chosen as class colors, were tasty and complete. The exercises well merited the high praise given by all present. Patrons of the schools speak very approvingly of the faithful and efficient work done by Mr. Hertlein and his corps of assistants.” “Never since the hall was built or at least for a good many years has it been decked so gaily with flags and bunting.  The stage decorated by Mr. Hertlein, with the help of Fred Hauser.”