This newsletter was published on Kelleys Island between 1993 and 1995; Editor – Phyllis Pahler. If you have any missing issues – we could sure use them.
Issue No. 1 – Missing
Issue No. 2 – Missing
October 1993, No. 3 – Mentioned: Ken Neufer, Wally & Bonnie Peterson, Candidates for Council (Ed Curilla, Rick Holmes, Gary Finger, Vicky Finnegan, Jake Martin, Russ Matso, Mark Sivie, Tim Sullivan, Chris Yako), Helen Coulon (died September 4), John & Joanna Raab Himmelein, Robert I Coulon Sr., Mallory/Michael/Marlena Coulon, Coradine Myers, Phyllis Pahler, Ann Haas, Dave Phinney, Barbara Schock, Sue Schock, Lisa Matso, Zion Church, Bessie Dainty-Boring, Liz and Charlie Martin, Barb Shadle, Marge Clapper.
April 1994, No. 4 – mentioned Bud Yoscovits (died November 14), Jackie Fijal (died December 17), Charlie Moore, Wally Shanko, Ramie Dick, Jane Lange, John Ludu (died December 1), John Mack, Jack Betzenheimer, Jim Seeholzer, election results, Women’s Auxiliary, Vern Ehrbar, St. Julian, Donna Farmer, Humphreys, Moores, Bradburns, Interested Citizens, Grover Kaneen (died December 12), Robert Stoup (died December 26), Dean McKillips, Ramie Dick, Rosey Craft (died). Jane Lange (died January 1 1994), Phyllis Pahler, Frank Yako, Bob Golias, Lydia Bechtel, Don Haas, Ken Neufer, Stu Humphrey. Firemen’s Ball, Jane Witt, Annie Ludu, Jerry Taylor, Jim Hodgson, Island Girls Drill Team, Leo Dalpiaz, Harbor Patrol.
May 1994, No. 5 – Mentioned Kyle Paine, Tim Sullivan, Don Haas, Chris Yako, Ed Curilla, Bob & Barb Behlen, John & Poppy Hodgson, Stuart & Phyllis Humphrey, Norm & Phyllis Pahler, Dave & Delores Wiatroski, Coradine Myers, VFW,, Jim & Carmen Palladino, Jessie Martin, Sally Fresch Dwight, Lorenza Teresa Dwight, Gloria Fresch (deceased) Albert Fresch, Memorial Day, John & Mary (Fetterson) Hughes, Clayton Hughes, Oscar Hughes, commercial fishing, ice fishing, Bill Perruchon, Ben & Sonny Elfers, Francie Betzenheimer, Jack Sennish, Don DeBrova, the 5 B’s, Orval Lange, Bob Bickley, Logan Bickley.
June 1994, No. 6 – Mentioned: Fire Dept. Kim Watkins, Barb Behlen, Ed Frindt, Curtain Call, German Reformed Church, History museum, Michelle & Donald Stein, Lucille Mathews, Joann & Ken Neufer, Connie Morsher, Pasteor Walton, Ramie Dick, Country Store, Coradine Myers, Jessie Martin, Baseball, Charlie Martin, Eugene Riedy, Jay Norris, Clarence Duignan, ‘Scoop’ McKillips, George Durket, Oliver ‘Ollie’ Schlesselman, ‘Bud’ Erne, Art McKillips, Sam Bauman, George ‘Slim’ Yoskovits, Al Riedy, Main Team.
July 1994, No. 7– Mentioned Walter ‘Sonny’ Elfers, Mary Martin, Tootie, Wally/Tucky/Toni/Titter/Ben/Bob/Sandra/Warren/Mike Elfers, William Perruchon, Carl Seeholzer, Nadine Brown, The Old Nest, Lori & Pat Hayes, Marty Soski, Bob Golias, VFW, Virginia Miller (died in June, 109 years old)
August 1994 No. 8 – Missing
September 1994, No. 9 – Seven Carriage Stones: Linde-Camp, Jorski, Gorchester, Finger, Sweet Valley Inn, the Old Nest, and across from the cemetery. Islandfest winners: Edward Basta (Cleveland), Lauren Lucas, Steve Petrie, Eileen Anderson, Annie Ludu. Passed Away: Dean McKillips, Howard Jones, Rita Murphy and Paul Karun. Council Notes. Coradine’s Corner: How they got flowers picked up at the airport, a comedy of errors. People mentioned: Coralee Myers, Joann & Ken Neufer, Police Dept., Jake Martin, Bea & Russ Matso, the Island House restaurant, Carol Fresch, Jessie Martin, Lucille Mathews, Pastor Walton, Caroline DeBoard, nurse June Campbell, and Marge Newcombe. An article on Addison Kelley and his mansion-a little history. Anne Pohorence and Steph Kekelik share personal stories about the family and the house. The Island Singers performed with the new curtains at Kelley’s Hall. Ed Frindt is coordinating the restoration.
October 1994, No. 10 – Council notes: rezoning request, $5 tax license plates, yard and garage sale limits, motor scooters, skateboards and rollerblades, widening Rt. 575 bridge and paving Cameron to State Park. Donations needed for $200 school scholarships – previous awards to Lisa Matso, Michael Ludu, Raymond Manzel, Robin Watkins and Pamela Haig. Coradine’s Corner – Death of John Morse and Morse’s Barn which was converted to apartments for family. 80 antique cars visited the Island. Sick list: Marge Newcomb, Poppy & Jim Hodgson. Kelleys Island Landowners Assoc. award KIHA “the best Organization.” Sis McKillips questioned the reason and Coradine wrote: No other organization does as much for the Island and Island people as the Historical Association does – purchasing and fixing up the Old Stone Church – raising funds to build a museum – having potlucks that have programs centering on Islanders (fishermen, teachers, the doctor, etc.). The benefits of being on the national Register of Historic Places. Jessie Martin wrote about baseball in 1936 and the Main Team vs. The Eagles. A Thanksgiving craft night is planned.
April 1995, No. 11 – Welcome back issue. Mentioned: Fr. Cunningham, Dean McKillips, VFW, Michael Mielke, Ronnie Beatty, Dan Williams, Molly Newcomb marries Bill Minshall, Zion Church, St. Michael’s Hall, Richard DeBoard passed away. School Play, VFW Children’s Party, Frankie Pohorence. New Years Eve at VFW and Water Street Café. Prom/Dinner Dance for Seniors, Village Pump reopens, Mayors Court report. Dr. Wm. Myers to provide medical services on some weekends. Coyote shot-four dens reported. 86 deer taken this hunting season, estimates 75 remain. Land transfers Vetovits from Anderson, Bailey from Goodson, Smith from Roth. A story: A Prisoner of War by Jessie Martin written about Anthony ‘Tony’ Perruchon.