THE KELLEGIAN was published by the Kelleys Island School between 1951-1952. Only a few issues exist. These were donated by Iola Riedy. You’ll note that many have the name Jay Norris written at the top. Jay lived next to Iola on Division St.
1946 January (Probably) – Staff: Bonnie Bickley, Paul Brown, Lloyd Matso, Bob Schnittker, Don Perruchon, Bianchi, Tucky Elfers, Laura Seeholzer, Elaine Martin, Miss Abbott. Are We Real Americans – an essay by Miss Abbott. Juvenile Delinquency must be stopped – an essay by Martha Becker. Peek-A-Boo Peeks (gossip phrased with Wonder who/what, etc.- no names). Around School – 1-3rd grade news: mentioned Jean, Shirley and Coletta, Jimmy Ernie. 4-through 8th grade news: mentioned: Christmas program. The Community War Chest netted $40. Birthdays in December and January: Donna Lanyo, Bernadette McKillips, Nancy Ward, Laura Jean Seeholzer, Lloyd Matso, Don Erne, Nickie Bianchi, Geraldine Erne, Robert Seeholzer and Dick Navorska. New School Board: Mrs. Jay Norris, Charles Schnittker, Marshall Mrs. Oliver Schlesselman and Dr. R. C. Hummell. Jan. 8 Lyle entered OSU. More boys received their discharges: Francie Pohorence, Herbert Bickley Jr., Teddy Blatt, Herbert Bickley Jr., Vicky McKillips and Frank Brown. Logan Bickley spent a leave with his parents. Dec. 20 Christmas Operetta held at Town Hall. Miss Jenkins had a caroling party for students. Lester Colbert and Billy Brown spent Christmas on the Island. Jack Lange a graduate of the 1945 class is in Guam. Honor roll – Grade 1: John Betzenheimer, Jack Schock, Nancy Bugel, James Erie, David Brown. Grade 2: Billy Erne, Shirley Seeholzer, Richard Bugel. Grade 3: Marilyn Martin, Sandra Elfers, Mary Ellen Beatty. Grade 4: Dominic Bianchi, Geraldine Erie, Gladys Matso, Carol Schlesselman. Grade 5: Ada McKillips. Grade 6: Ellen Bickley, Renetta Erne, Lois Lange, Mary Navorska. Grade 7: Hugh Lange. Grade 8: Titter Elfers, Frances McKillips, Virginia Bookerman. Grade 9: Jean Elfers, Martha Becker, Ruth Lange, Robert Seeholzer. Grade 9: none. Grade 10: Marilyn Blatt, Don Perruchon, Lucky Elfers, Miriam Schlesselman, Wally Elfers, Laurel Brown. Grade 11: Karl Beatty, Gene Bianchi, Bonnie Bickley, Elaine Martin, Bobby Schnittker. Grade 12: Paul Brown, Lloyd Matso, Laura Jean Seeholzer, Nancy Ward. A Miracle – essay on the Oregon Trail by Hugh Lange. Joke page. Advertisers: Kelleys Island Dock Co., Bills Barber Shop, Erne’s Trucking Taxi Service, phone 141, we haul anything. Monarch Wine Cellar phone 224, 145, 151
1951 February (we are guessing at the year) – Staff: Renetta Erne, Mary Navorska, Bernadette McKillips, Donna Lenyo, Ronald Beatty, Russell Matso, Willard Norris, Carol Haig, Mrs. Horvath. Essays – Visit with friends and relatives, biographies of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, February (Birthdays Joan Betzenheimer, Shirley Seeholzer, Esther Bugel, Robert Amstutz). Poems by Jim Amstutz, David Schlesselman, Rosalie Lenyo, Jane Erie, Marie Ann Riedy, tom Brown. An interview with Teacher Kathleen Bell Lange (married Orville Lange and teaching since 1944). School News: mentioned Carol Perruchon; Mrs. Sitkins, Brown & Lange; Jack Betzenheimer; Robert Erne; Nancy Bugel; Joan Betzenheimer; Mrs. Houle; Gladys Matso, & Carol Schlesselman. Movies at Marquette Hall. Thank you letter to Jim Steinkamp. A list of “I wonder” why, who, etc. Island News: Oliver Schlesselman, Eugene Riedy and Orville Lange went through the ice. Other names mentioned: Edward Kavolik, D. A. McKillips, James Seeholzer, Elaine Martin, Lyle Bickley, Lee Brown, Miriam Schlesselman, Mary Ann Lenyo, Kenneth Rathenburger, Orville Lange, Keith Blatt, David Blatt, Bob Overcasher, Bob Schnittker, Velma Abbott, Oliver Schlesselman, Beltz family, Neuman boat Line, Ralph Matso, Ted Blatt, Herb Bickley Howard and Dick Navorska. Sports: Mr., Hilliard and the high school basketball team travel (Russell Matso, Ronald Beatty, Nick Bianchi, Lyle Seeholzer, Ronald Ingram and William Norris). Joke page. Drawing of the latest fashions. Advertisements: Gas/Oil/Anti-freeze – Mike Riedy; Martin’s Grill & Confectionary (Charlie & Lizzie Martin); Browns General Store; Kelleys Island Dock & Steamboat Co; and Brown Studios (Howard Brown complete photo service).
1951 March – Staff: Renetta Erne, Mary Navorska, Donna Lenyo, Bernadette McKillips, Ronald Beatty, Russell Matso, Carol Haig, Mrs. Horvath. Sports: Basketball, softball. Service men addresses: Pvt Kenneth Haig, Pvt James Seeholzer, Pvt s Lange, Pvt Paul Brown, Pvt Donald Perruchon, Martin Bickley. Essays about St. Patrick, March, Easter, the Easter Lily. Interview with Mr. Seeholzer. Movies listed. School news: mentioned: Anna Lange, Marline McKillips, Nancy Bugel, Mrs. M. Schlesselman and Mrs. Perruchon, Tom Brown, Jack Sitkins, Marie Anne Riedy, George Coxy, David Blatt, Hank Schlesselman, Shirley Seeholzer, Mr. Houle, Marilyn Martin, Geraldine Erne, Willard Norris, Carol Schlesselman, Gladys Matso. Jokes Fashions by Carol Haig. Birthdays: Emma Jane Seeholzer, Ronald Uebbing, Ada McKillips, Marline McKillips. Advertisements: Island Market-Franklin Pohorence; Browns General Store; Kelleys Island Dock & Steam Boat Co.; Martin’s Grill & Confectionar-Charlie and Lizzie Martin; Complete Garage Service-Mike Riedy; Brown Studios complete photo service-Howard Brown.
1951 April – Staff: Renetta Erne, Mary Navorska, Donna Lenyo, Carol Haig, Bernadette McKillips, Russell Matso, Williard Norris, Emma Jane Seeholzer, Ronald Beatty, Mrs. Horvath. Essays: General Douglas MacArthur, Arbor Day, April. Birthdays: David Lenyo, Gladys Matso, Lyle Seeholzer. School news: mentioned, Mr. Hilliard, Ronnie & David Schlesselman, Don Bugel, David Blatt’s mother, Billy Perruchon, Carol Perruchon, Mrs. Engel, Russell Matso, Marline McKillips, Anne Lange, Nancy Bugel, Hanky Schlesselman, Jack Schock, rosemary Amstutz, Renetta Erne, Mary Ellen Beatty, Geraldine & Ada. Poems by Marline McKillips, David Brown, Hanky Schlesselman, Joan Betzenheimer, Jack Schock, Robert Erne. Sports: Mr. Houle, Ollie Schlesselman, O. Henry, Girl’s Team softball, Gladys Matso, Carol Haig, Mr. Hilliard, Mrs. Horvath, Gladys Matso, Carol Schlesselman, Mary Navorska. Joke page. Fashions by Carol Haig. Humorous advertisements. Business Advertisements: Erne’s, Brown’s General Store, Kelleys Island Dock & Steamboat Co., complete Garage Service-Mike Riedy, Martin’s Grill & Confectionar-Lizzie & Charlie Martin, Brown’s Studios-Complete Photo Service-Howard Brown, Island Market-Franklin Pohorance.
1951 May or June – The last issue of the paper for the school year of 1950-1951. Staff: Renetta Erne, Mary Navorska, Ronald Beatty, Willard Norris, Donna Lenyo, Bernadette McKillips, Russell Matso, Carol Haig, Emma Jean Seeholzer, Mrs. Horvath. Essays: May & Birthdays (Russell Matso, Jane Erne, Loren McKillips, Donald Bugel). Poem by Marline McKillips, School news: Mrs. Wallace visits, Vivan Beltz, David Schlesselman, goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Joule and Mrs. Horvath, Jimmy McKillips, Donna McKillips, pheasants, softball, football and basketball, Fred Sitkins, Bill Erne, Shirley Seeholzer, Rosemary Amstutz. Sports: Gypsum, Birmingham, Pelee Island, Ollie Schlesselman, (Mrs.) Woodrow McKillips, Navorska, Haig, Hugo Seeholzer, Carl Seeholzer and Norris. Only graduate is Emma Jane Seeholzer. Movies thanks to Father Haley and Marquette Hall. Joke page. Biography of Emma Jean Seeholzer – parents M/M Hugo Seeholzer. In 1939 students were: Hugh Lane, Ben Elfers, Ida Francesconi, Josephine Maiami, Guerine Righi, Lyle Seeholzer, Russell Matso, Elise Schardt, Sylvia Ortolani, Richard Yatson, and Betty Baumler. Fashion page by Carol Haig.
1951 December – List of soldiers: James Seeholzer, Robert Seeholzer, Edward Gasieski, Donald Perruchan, Eugene Matso, Ivan Lange, James Brown, John Lange, Martin Bickley, Kenneth Haig, Karl Beatty, Paul Brown. School news: Motioned: Marline McKillips, poems (by Jack Betzenheimer, Robert Erne, Anne Lange), Miss Barylski, Rosemary Amstutz, Geraldine Erne, Mary Navorska, Renetta Erne, Mr. Hilliard. Birthdays in November: Bill Erne, Carol Haig, Henry Schlesselman, Charles Riedy, George Lenyo, Bill Perruchon, Jim Erne. Birthdays in December: Donna Lenyo, Robert Erne. Island News (Mostly people traveling over Thanksgiving): Mary Ann Lenyo, George Lenyo, Ralph Matso, Joseph Matso, Hugh Lange, John Lange, Jean Iczman, Ethel Eastman, Rev. & Mrs. Moorehead, Bernadette McKillips, Alice Seeholzer, Carl Seeholzer, Steward Ward, Nancy Ward, Donald Ray, Donna Lenyo, James Himmelein, Lyle Bickley, Richard Ehrbar, Delbert Ehrbar, D. A. McKillips, Ritchie family, Lynn Brown, Donald Hughes, Harriet Martin, Fred Martin Jr., Esther Bugel, Nancy Bugel, Theodore Blatt, Miriam Schlesselman, Carol Schlesselman, Miss Barylski, Miss Maxim, Donna Lenyo, Carl Friedman, Mrs. Alphone Erne, John Bugel, Laurel Brown, Sherman Brown, Ben Elfers, Walter Elfers, Richard Navorska, Dean McKillips, Mrs. Allen McKillips, Nelson Dwelle, Max Perruchon, Jean Dwelle, Mr. & Mrs. Tepley, Mrs. Walter Brown, Emma Jane Seeholzer, Victor McKillips, Donna McKillips, Allen McKillips, Jessica Riedy, Jeffrey Norris, Frank Haig and Rose Lange. Christmas community Pot Luck. Letters to Santa: Miss Barylski, Mr. Hilliard, Nadine Brown, Mr. Hughes fashions. What would happen if (these people did something, a list). Advertisements: The Casino; Erne’s General Trucking; Kelleys Island Dock Co., Avon-Mrs. Charles Martin; Brown’s General Store; VFW Post 9908; Schock’s Mason Works; Martin’s; Navorska’s; Erne’s Store; Mike Riedy’s Boat House and automobile supplies; Russell’s Pool Parlor; Charles Schnittker-plumbing & sanitation installation.
1952 January – Community Christmas Party held at Town Hall sponsored by the VFW, Chamber, Sportsman Club, PTA and American Legion of Sandusky. December birthday-Ronald Ingram. January birthdays: Rosalie Lenyo, Darrell McKillips, Bernadette McKillips, Nick Bianchi, Geraldine Erne, James McKillips, Mr. Hughes, Randy Bickley, Richard Navorska. School news: Mentioned – Jackie Betzenheimer, Mrs. D. J. Schlesselman, Shirley Seeholzer, Nancy Bugel, Geraldine Erne, Vivian Beltz (parents Vivian & Paul), Rosalie Lenyo (parents Mary & George), Jackie Betzenheimer, Donnie Bugel (parents John & Gertrude). PTA news: Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs. Godfrey Schock, Mrs. Charles Martin Jr., Mrs. Calvin Moorehead, Charles Schnittker, Shirley Maxim, Don Hughes, Mrs. Robert Dauch, Andrew Erne, Mrs. John Bugel, Mrs. John Betzenheimer. Masquerade Ball planned for Feb. 2. Joke page. What would happen if – snippits from students.
1952 February – Letter to Senior Class about proper procedures by Lloyd Hilliard. School news: Mentioned Mrs. Lange, Loren, Billy Perruchon, Dorothy, Beatrice Anne McKillips, Don Bugel, Mrs. Beltz, Mrs. Bickley. Short interviews with Charles Riedy, Jimmy Amstutz, Beatrice McKillips, Randy Bickley, Marie Riedy, Loren McKillips. The Senior Class writes that the contents of a page were deleted at Mr. Hilliard’s request (signed by the Senior Class: Russell Matso, Willard Norris, Ronny Beatty, Renetta Erne, Carol Haig, Mary Navorska, Bernadette McKillips and (?) Lenyo). Upper classes: Shirley Seeholzer, Nancy Bugel, Carol Schlesselman. Masquerade Dance, Roy Erne, Jay Norris, Herbert Bickley Jr., Lee Brown, Irma Conkle Mrs. Steward, Miss Carol Schlesselman and Gladys Matso. Donations received from Robert Dauch, Gilbert Riedy, Russell Matso, Charles Martin Sr., Mrs. Charles Martin Jr., Joseph Matso, Geraldine Erne, Island Market, Island Dock Co., and Browns Store. Orchestra, M/M Oscar McKillips, Howard Brown, Fr. Haley, Bob Schnittker by Renetta Erne. Essay about Abraham Lincoln and Fashion Page.
1952 April – Essays: History of Baseball by Ronald Beatty; St. Patrick by Bernadetta McKillips, Spring by Esther B. Jokes. School news mentioned: Mary Ellen Beatty, Ada McKillips, Mrs. Lange, Hanky Schlesselman, Mrs. F. McKillips, Marline McKillips, David Blatt, Carol Perruchon, Don Schlesselman, Bob Amstutz, Mr. Hilliard. I wonder why (various students are queried). Mr. Hughes has left-Mrs. Schlesselman filled in. Last Wills & Testaments: Bernadette McKillips and Carol Haig (Seniors bequeath their belongings as they prepare to leave school).