
THE SCHOOL SPIRIT was published by the Kelleys Island Local School between 1963 and 1965. Issues contained school news, community updates and stories and facts about this Island’s history, thanks to Kurt Boker.
School Spirit 1963 September
School Spirit 1963 October
School Spirit 1963 November
Dec. 1963 & January 1964 (combined) – Vol. 2, Nos. 4 and 5 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, Elizabeth Ann Kilko, Bradley Pohorence, Lizabeth Martin, Katherine Kilko, Kevin Kleba, Charles Martin, Alice Feyedelem, Barbara Knapp. School cancelled on January 13 due to heavy snow drifts and cold weather. Reports from various grades written by the students. Measles spreading across the Island. Mentioned in the various articles: Laurie Riedy, Jim Kekelek, Jim Bugel, Michael Feyedelem, Town Hall basketball floor to be painted. Corrections from last issue: William Ernsburger/not Wayne Ernsberger; Girl Scout second prize went to Lizabeth Martin & Sandra Holmes; pheasants for dinner were brought by Jim Bugel, Jim Kekelik and Ned Perruchon. Mrs. Pargny McCune mentioned. Wine Company sketch done by Alice Feyedelem and Elizabeth Ann Kilko. Capt. Hamilton loaned us a letter dated about 73 years ago with original sketch. Girl Scouts news. Cub Scout news (mentioned Mark Betzenheimer, Bradley Pohorence, Kevin Kleba, Chuckie Martin, Jimmy Holmes. Island News: people stranded on Jan. 12 due to heavy snow squalls and high winds, and people rushed to remove ice shanties from west side of Island (mentioned Frank Haas, Tony, Peter Kekelik, Norbie McKillips. Four bald eagles were seen by Robert Erne and Kurt Boker verified the sighting. Robert Ernie shot a goose with a leg band. Local Sewing bee meets at Beatrice Matso (also mentioned Jessie Martin, Mary Schock, Mary Marchky, Eileen Johnson, Florence McKillips, Lizabeth Martin, Mrs. Charles Martin Sr. (Liz) and Beatrice Matso.) Barbara and Alice Feyedelem visited Ruth Dorsey in Berea. Died: Pargney McCune, Jessie McKillips and Mrs. William Overcasher. Fire Dept held annual community pot-luck, muskrat dinner cancelled, Dept. to hold raffle for new equipment. A History of the Kelley’s Island Grape & Wine Industry, includes a map of wine cellars and a history of each location. Poem by Arnold Elfers: Grand Old Kelleys Isle. Advertisements for: Library (Tues & Thurs 4-7 pm), Vi’s Dining Room-Home cooked meals, Matso’s Place, Kelleys Island VFW Post 9908, Godfried Schock general contractor, Island Market, Knapp’s Cottages, Erne’s Trucking, Martin’s Bar & Restaurant, Burt Miller, Marine Grill, Brown’s General Store, Lake Erie Electric Co-op, and Jean’s Rooms (with kitchen privileges).
February 1964
March 1964
March 1964 – Diary of Jerry Dean mentioned 1871. An anecdote is told of Edmund Ward who was returning from Sandusky on the Golden Eagle, an ice crusher, with several Islanders. Some of his fellow passengers complained because the fare was too high, $1.00 each way. In the summer the fare used to be 25c or 40c round trip between Sandusky and KI. Mr. Ward listened quietly to the complaints and then he said in his quiet way, “By mighty, if you fellows had to walk across the ice with the mail boat, you would have paid a dollar and pulled the boat, and perhaps broke through and gotten wet half a dozen times. It’s much more comfortable on this boat at the same price. This quieted the grumblers.
April 1964
May 1964
June 1964
September 1964 – Vol. 3, No. 1: Students-Tim Kilko, Brenda Matso, Debbie Seeholzer, Sandy Holmes, Nancy Riedy, Pamela Routly, Joel Feyedelem, Monte Betzenheimer, Lu Ann Pohorence, Jimmy Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Linda Routly, Geri Riedy, Gwendolyn Routly, Al Goudreau, Richard Holmes, Mark Betzenheimer, John Kilko, Kathy Kilko, Bradley Pohorence, Barbara Knapp, Alice Feyedelem, Sally Riedy, Barbara Feyedelem, Elizabeth Ann Kilko, Marcie Riedy, Laurie Riedy, Michael Feyedelem, Ned Perruchon, Don Miller, Jim Bugel. Included are reports from each grade, cub scout news, girl scout news (troupe 240), Centennial of the scuttling of the Island Queen steamboat. Island news: Theo. Morris showed home movies of trip around the world. Quarry to start up under name of Kellstone Quarry Inc. A new extension on Neuman’s Boat Dock, Mrs. Esther Sennish is visiting her mother, Jack Sennish is only commercial fisherman with nets in the lake, Letter from Jack Schock, stated at Fort Sill, OK. Gertrude McGlinchey is married in the Catholic church, daughter of August Mahr. Geraldine Erne and Lawrence Betzenheimer were married on Sept. 29 in Sandusky.
October/November 1964 – Vol. 3, No. 2 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, John Kilko, Alice Feyedelem, Linda Routly, Geri Riedy, Richard Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Bradley Pohorence, Mark Betzenheimer, Katherine Kilko, Barbara Knapp, Gwendolyn Routly, Al Goudreau, Elizabeth Ann Kilko. Contains school news by grade, Island News (mentioned are Roland Brown, Mrs. Adam Bianchi, Lawrence Betzenheimer, McCune’s dining room, Ned Perruchon, Metro Kilko’s airplane, progress on Neuman’s dock, Jack Schock married Barbara Pawlowski, Godfried Schock, Quarry crusher is going up fast, Don Erne, John Bugel, plane crash, pheasant hunting. Council News, purchase of airport property, campsite to be enlarged. PTA to sponsor Christmas potluck. Girl and Cub Scout news. History of Glaciers.
December 1964 – Vol. 3, No. 3 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, John Kilko, Alice Feyedelem, Linda Routly, Richard Holmes, Bradley Pohorence, Mark Betzenheimer, Katherine Kilko, Barbara Knapp, Gwendolyn Routly, Al Goudreau. Subscriptions Elizabeth Ann Kilko. Paper published monthly by the students of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Kelleys Island Local School. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts mentioned. Island News: Freighter J. B. John attempted to deliver sand to west dock, low water. Jack Holmes aged 21 died Dec.; parents M/M Raymond Holmes. Body of Wayne Davidson found on the beach on south side. Was pilot of the Cessna which crashed into Lake Erie a month ago. Found by Chuck Riedy, David Brown and Ned Perruchon. Annual Christmas party held in Kelley’s Hall. Clifford Brown taken to hospital. Mr. Van Wagoner died Nov. 28. A Roaring Twenties party will be held at Kelley’s Hall on Jan 9, 1965, sponsored by the Volunteer Fire Dept.
February 1965 – Vol. 3, No. 4 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, Mark Betzenheimer, Linda Routly, Richard Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Bradley Pohorence, Subscriptions Elizabeth Ann Kilko. Paper published monthly by the students of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Kelleys Island Local School. Girl Scout and Boy Scout news. The new crusher and conveyor system installed last fall was tested on February 15, about 75 tons of rock was put through. Blasting has started. Mrs. John Bugle home from the hospital. Clifford Brown is also home. Mr. Chucta and John Naylor passed away. Nelson Dwelle celebrated his 85th birthday. The Jolly Boys went to Put-in-Bay to play a basketball game. Ice fishing shanties are up on the west and north sides of the island. Henry Beatty was elected President of Council, Hugo Seeholzer resigned his council seat and Donald Routly replaced him. A summary of 10 sunken boats and a map of their location appears, thanks to Frank E. Hamilton. Discussion on whether we should have a Historical Society.
March 1965– Vol. 3, No. 5 – PAGES MISSING – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, Mark Betzenheimer, Al Goudreau, Linda Routly, Richard Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Bradley Pohorence, Barbara Knapp. Subscriptions Elizabeth Ann Kilko. Paper published monthly by the students of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Kelleys Island Local School. Girl Scout and Cub Scout news. Chuck Riedy (class of 63) is on honor roll at Lorain Co. Community College. Billy Perruchon (1961) is stationed at Fort Knox and is now a private. Micky Riedy (1962) is employed at Erie Co. Mrs. William Horn died. Fire Dept. officers: Ronald Beatty, Nick Bianchi, Ronald Beatty, Harvey Einhart, James Seeholzer. The Ladies Auxiliary held their annual Anniversary Dinner at Vi Haig’s restaurant. Members present: Mrs. James Seeholzer, Mrs. Franklin, Pohorence, Mrs. Peter Kekelik, Mrs. Iola Riedy, Mrs. Joseph Feyedelem, Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mrs. William Perruchon, Miss Mary Marchky, Mrs. Maude Hamilton, Mrs. George Yoscovitz, Rev. Gilbert Stopko, and Rev. Joseph Ehrbar. Historical tidbits: First white child born on the Island was George Ellithorpe on October 6, 1832 to Henry & Elizabeth Ellithorpe. First school teacher was Miss Lucretia Wood-1836. First school house was erected in 1837 and taught by Miss M. H. Dean. In 1850 School District No. 2 was established on the east end, on Woodford Road, not far from what was then J. Woodford’s farm. The two story stone school was erected in 1853. District No. 1 teacher was William Hull in 1862. In 1877 a frame high school was erected on Division St. In 1901 Estes School was erected by James Estes.
April 1965 – Vol. 3, No. 6 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, Mark Betzenheimer, Al Goudreau, Linda Routly, Richard Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Bradley Pohorence, Barbara Knapp. Subscriptions Elizabeth Kilko. Paper published monthly by the students of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Kelleys Island Local School. Girl Scout and Cub Scout news. Iola Riedy talked to high school about Dewey Decimal System and how to locate books. Island News: Kelleys Island Volunteer Fire Dept. to use old truck and burned an old house which was pulled down just east of the school. It was on State property. Just when fire got going, snow started falling and they gave up. The Madonna Ladies Auxiliary held its monthly meeting at Iola Riedy home. At the PTA meeting the Girl Scouts put on a program of songs and dance and refreshments were served by Mrs. Edward Goudreau and Mrs. Leonard Knapp. The PIB basketball team came to Kelleys Island on the Ford tri-motor plane. Lewis F. Laylen passed on March 14, lived on east shore. John Hughes, at age 92, slipped and fell, broke hip. Taken to Good Samaritan Hospital by Sky Tours Inc. Mrs. Susan Semansen taken to Providence Hospital. Rev. Gilbert Stopko, pastor of St. Michael’s Church was in hospital, and Clifford Brown returns from hospital. Bill (Hops) Perruchon returned to the Island recovering from bronchial pneumonia. Kitchen fire at Allen Brian’s home, extinguished by Volunteer Fire Dept. The new Jeep tank-truck (1 year old) was on its way to the fire with a tank of water, while the fire engine was coming from the fire to fill up again with a load of water. While trying to pass on a narrow place along Ward Rd., the tank-truck went off the road, hit a stump, flew into the air and landed in a field. The weight of the tank of water kept the truck from overturning. Considerable damage to the underside though. Appalachia Food and Clothing Drive organized by Mrs. Mary Trumpower, Mrs. August Mahr, Mrs. William Perruchon and Mrs. R. Holmes. The WSWS had monthly meeting at the Community Church. Mrs. Mamie Brown-leader and Mrs. Charles Schnittker-hostess. Sewing Club meets every Sunday night at Mrs. Russell Matso house. For 8.5 years, Mrs. Godfried Schock has been assistant postmaster on KI. She has resigned and Mrs. Elizabeth Martin takes her place. New Baby for Mike Bell family. Mrs. Bell is the former Sharon Kleba (class of ’64). Village to repair Doctor’s House. History of Limestone Quarrying on Kelleys Island. Excerpts from Nichol’s Handy Guide Book to PIB, Middle Bass and Kelleys Island, published in 1888: Glacial Grooves. KI Historical Society survey had few responses, but generally in favor.
June 1965 – Vol. 3, No. 7 – Editorial Staff: Barbara Feyedelem, Mark Betzenheimer, Al Goudreau, Linda Routly, Richard Holmes, Alice Feyedelem, Bradley Pohorence, Barbara Knapp. Subscriptions Elizabeth Kilko. Paper published monthly by the students of grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Kelleys Island Local School. Girl Scout and Cub Scout news. Last issue of the year. Island News: Madonna Ladies Auxiliary met at Leonard Knapp house and later at Mary Marchky’s house The Rosary-Altar Society of St. Michael’s Church enrolled a new member. Rev. Gilbert Stopko (corrected to Joseph Ehrbar) presiding. Meeting at Vi Haig’s restaurant. WSWS meeting lead by Mrs. Francis Betzenheimer with hostel Mrs. Oscar McKillips. M/M Charles Schnittker, Rev. & Mrs. Walton, Roy Fenwick, Elizabeth Kilko and Kathy Kilko attended a wedding and anniversary in Sandusky. Mr. Boker showed old pictures at the PTA meeting. Junior and Senior class talked about their class trip to New York and the World’s Fair. Kellstone added a 26-28 ton bulldozer to their equipment and hired Jim Kekelik, Bob Erne and Jim McAfee. Drilling and blasting going on daily. Henry Beatty and Carl Seeholzer work for the state to get campground ready. John Hughes died, was oldest living person on the island and is remembered. Daughter is Mrs. Oscar McKillips and son is Clayton Hughes. James McGlinchey (son-in-law of August Mahr) had to land his plane without a landing gear. Burt Miller granted permission to erect a miniature golf course downtown. History of the Quarry continues and there are 9 photos with descriptions along with 2 maps.