THE PERCHIE PRESS 1991-1993 – Covering the World from Kelleys Island, Ohio – Publishers Tim & Vicki Sullivan. The Perchie Press is published twice monthly during the good old summertime; half that amount during the cold months – the yearly subscription was $15 for a planned 18 issues. Because there was so much advertising, we did not list all the advertisements, nor did we list all the people mentioned (the list would have been quite long as birthdays were listed) but they make for some interesting reading. Make sure you check out the “Phases and Seasons” section which contains all the latest news from Islanders. (Again, we did not list all the names that appear in this column.)
Our thanks to Leslie Korenko for patiently scanning each page so we can enjoy this newspaper from our past.
May 1, 1991 – Vol. 1, No. 1 – The First Issue. Three tax levies on May ballot; After 7 years and 4 months, Police Chief Charlie Moore resigns. He was the driving force behind the establishment of the Island EMS squad. The MV Shirley Irene made its first trip. The first passenger was Captain Joe Nesta’s dog. Jack Terry appointed as Zoning Inspector. School board drops Donna Farmer’s contract. Fees raised for gold carts, mopeds and bicycles rented by island businesses. Transfer Station fees and rules change – 50 cents a bag to dispose using special bags. Recycling now available. The philosophy of The Perchie Press. What happens if a community runs out of money and defaults. Planning Commission approves a combination motel and retail store next to the Dwelle House. Third Condo building to start. Water line extension finally starts. Construction of State Park boat launch set to start. Women’s retreat. Welcome Back fish fry had a small crowd due to weather. Garden Club holds its first meeting. Planning Commission explains Master Plan.
May 15, 1991 – Vol. 1, No. 2 – Voters approve all three levies. My, What a Meeting as fireworks start of several issues including EMT’s Resign over insurance issue (Sally Dwight, Gary Finger, Nancy Stoup and Kim Watkins) and Businesses oppose transfer station fees as debate rages on (Dick Sennish, Mayor McCullagh, Don Haas, Gary Finger. Island Students to host international event with tour of the Island. Buddy Yoscovits cited the fact that he wasn’t informed of or invited to the special meeting where he was removed from the cemetery committee. Complaints about speeding quarry trucks. A donated beer truck will be used for recycling. Rough Roads – the condition of roads, primarily Harbor Lane and which were dedicated streets. Division St. to be closed past the bridge at the State Park for construction of a parking lot. Island taxes – Jake Martin to talk with Treasurer of Erie Co. New police chief to be hired. Meetings: zoning Inspector hours, Review board, Planning Commission. KI Historical Society explains that contrary to reports, KIHA does not object to the building of docks, parking facilities and operation of the KIFBL. Marina gas pumps to reopen after replacement of underground storage tanks says Pat Haig. The West Bay Inn to be remodeled and renamed as the old Kamp Kelille sign comes down. Casino under new management: Denny Kaminski manager, Terry Johnson chef. KI Landowners meet to discuss zoning ordinance. Caddyshack to open soon: Danny Ahner building complex. Hancock Wood holds an open house. The KI Gardening Club met again: Bruce Korenko Pathway to be cleared for Lilac Walk off Ward Rd. Police Chief Charlie Moore’s retirement party (Bud Minch, Rob McCullagh, Don Haas, Bob Gruly Kit Moore, Donna Farmer, Marge Newcomb and Don St. Julian. Aerial view of downtown and south shore.
June 7, 1991, Vol 1, No. 3 -The Cop (Ron Schnittker appointed Chief of Police), The Kid (The glass of 1991 is Joel Trainer, son of Joe and Sandy Trainer), and The Clerk (Jean Kuyoth elected Village Clerk). Memorial Day events. EMT’s back on the job and elect new officers (Sally Fresch-Dwight, Cathy Coffman, Ken Neufer and Nancy Stoup). Village Audit underway due to change in Clerk position. Dumpty, Dump-Dump – the transfer station fee dispute continues. Recycling (beer) truck in use, but with some problems. Marina wins appeal and will install a Union 76 globe sign. Water system update: Tower refurbishment completed, New plant expansion, additional water lines and extending the water intake pipe. Historical Society hosts speaker James Mullen from OSU. Airport expansion engineering completed – to be bid. Women’s Retreat a success. KIHA hosts first annual plant sale. Fireworks donations sought. The Caddy Shack gets closer to opening. Tour of Homes cancelled. Alex Kovacs (of the Lions’ Den Gallery on the Casino Dock) creates print of island landmarks. Interview with Joel Trainer (by Josh Van Orman). Annual 5 and 10 k run. Report on field trip. Results of Landowners and Poggemeyer meeting.
June 21, 1991 – Some meetings that were and some that weren’t. The Caddy Shack opened for business but no liquor license yet. New Deputy hired (James Hobby). Dump fees overdue. Ken Neufer to run for Mayor. School Board reaffirms decision not to rehire Farmer after a 6.5 hour meeting. Islandfest theme is Patriotism. Neuman Boat Line offers discount ticket books. Map of state and museum holdings across the Island. A Kelleys Island montage poster is offered. Chamber Director Sandy Spayd Kilko resigns. 5 and 10 K runs a success. Ball team’s perfect record is broken to the Sonny S team.
July 4, 1991 – Council considers new fees: all vehicles using roads must get sticker, head tax, raising excise tax were suggested. Caddy Shack opens. Public meeting for Master Plan to be held. Village gets $8,000 grant for new airport waiting room building. Council to meet twice a month. The City of Sandusky boat cited for violation of noise ordinance. Two part time officers hired. Airport hosted 2nd annual Experimental Aircraft Assoc. Fly-in (70 planes). Hancock Wood Electric hosted an open house and the VFW held chicken BBQ. Update on Island business taxes. KI chamber hosts Tour of Homes (as KI Historical could not do it). Diamond Girls women’s softball team opened their season.
July 26, 1991 – Kellstone quarry lawsuit regarding removal of stone owned by Ted Terry on his property. Council reports additional taxes not likely and John Neuman threatens to put his payments in escrow until village cleans up its past dues and his letter is published. Island business taxes raised (created in 1993). The Fly Inn B&B was cited for a zoning violation for operating a club in a residential area (The Fly-Inn Pilots Club). Three felony arrests were made. Picnic tables ARE allowed in the downtown park. Neufer is out of the Mayor’s race. Brush fire on State land took 3 hours to put out. Water ban still in effect. Island Singers perform at the Methodist Church. VFW and Committee for Quality Education both sponsor chicken dinners. Village income and expenses listed for 1991. Shoreline zoning is discussed. Chamber recommends public restrooms downtown, opposes the 1% gross receipts tax until the village takes action to collect outstanding taxes as far back as 1983, and opposes the departure tax. Treasure Island day set. Zebra Mussel update.
August 16, 1991 – State to pay sidewalk assessment for new sidewalk along their property; master plan to be presented on August 24; 3rd annual International Poker run; representatives of Kellstone Quarry and the K I Ferry Boat Co. estimates excise tax receipt. Council candidates-Roger Carroll, Marcy Coulon, Ila Dick, Chuck Herndon, Chris Yako and Buddy Yoscovitz. Coast Guard to enforce new decal fee for boats 16 ft. or longer; Firelands Doctor considers serving the Island; Kelleys Island Dental Service starts-Dr. John T. Miller and operates out of the Quarry Condos. Work is progressing on water plant upgrades with an assessed project for Martin Subdivision, McGettigan Lane and Sweetbriar subdivision. Master Plan introduction, goals and demographics. Homecoming schedule, KICC sponsors photo contest, The Inn hosts a Victorian lawn party, The KI Diamond Girls softball team; Islandfest photos, Airport grant received.
August 30, 1991 – Vol. 1, No. 8 – November races draw a crowd just before the filing deadline. Jake Martin and Ken Neufer back out of Mayor race, Chris Yako, Kyle Paine, Ted Terry, Rob McCullagh and Don Haas filed for Mayor. Two Council seats: Chuck Herndon, Bob Gruly, Roger Carroll, Ila Dick, Marcie Mielke, Ken Neufer and Buddy Yoscovits. Shore District zoning sinks part of Port Master Plan. Public meeting on assessed waterline to be held. Police update, boat noise ordinance, butterfly Festival set. Port Master Plan Public Hearing. Dr. Boker back from N Dakota where he offered his services to the Chippewa Indian reservation. Chamber of Commerce update. Photo contest. Two land use maps and the section on the Shore District appear.
September 13, 1991 – The qualifications of some registered voters to be challenged. Griffing to raise airfare from $12.50 to $14.00 each way or $28 round trip. Butterfly Festival sponsored by the K I Historical Assoc. will be held Sept. 14. Estimate of 1991 General Fund Revenue. Lisa Yako receives commendation letter from Ohio State. Softball game-The Old timers vs. The Girls. Map of Flood Hazard Areas, B & Bs, and Executive Summary from Master Plan. List of Registered voters.
September 27, 1991 – KI Ferry boat Line ferry gets approval for their Island dock. Break-in at the Porthole restaurant results in arrest. Number of Mayoral candidates to be pared down, full list of candidates appears. Highway 575 to be resurfaced and west dock bridge to be widened. Petition containing 275 signatures requesting Council not to abandon the lake shore road [Monaghan] which Mr. Morse requested. Advertisement offers seasonal dockage for first time. 911 is delayed until February. Only three interested in EMS class. Morse barn remodeling (being done by Jake Martin) is challenged. Planning Commission discusses Shoreline plan. New teacher is Caryn Lee. New Chamber Director is Vicki C. Sullivan.
October 11, 1991 – Street Numbers assigned for 911 system. Don Haas elected Hancock Wood trustee. Airport construction work underway. Number of active candidates increases and results of Candidates Questionnaires shared for Ila Dick, Charles Herndon, Marcy Mielke, Ken Keufer, Carl ‘Bud’ Yoscovits (Mayor) and Pam Betzenheimer, Jessie Martin, Nancy Stoup (School Board). Mary Williams of Martin Lane passed away. More on the Shoreline proposal in the Master Plan.
October 25, 1991 – Two drop from Mayors Race, Voter Roster jumps 14%; Popeye’s robbed; Halloween events; the history of Standard time. Candidates for Mayor-Gary Finger, Don Haas, Rob McCullagh, Chris Yako, Kyle Paine and Ted Terry withdrawing. BPA Candidates-Beatrice Matso and Donna Farmer. Clerk-Jean Kuyoth.
November 12, 1991 – Don Haas elected Mayor; Chuck Herndon and Bud Yoscovits-Council; Pat Haig and Jessie Martin-School Board; Bea Matso and Dave Phinney-Board of Public Affairs; Jean Kuyoth-Village Clerk. Results of Island vote posted. Council raises its salary. Since Haas elected Mayor, his seat on Council is now vacant. Tax renewal passes. 6 members of a family denied registration.
November 27, 1991 – Photo of the KI Volunteer Fire Dept; School Board selected Richard Knopf to fill vacant seat; Planning Commission discusses Master Plan, Shore Zoning changes; Claude A. Smith died on November 3; Cemetery gets new trees; Gale winds hit Island; new lights received for airport; Turkeys in Australia; 1992 softball season ends. Carole and Wally Kryznowek take over the West Bay Inn.
Give ‘em The Perch – Give the Gift that Keeps On Irritating.
December 20, 1991 – Marblehead drops dock objections to KIFBL new dock; Santa Claus visits Christmas Potluck, Airport and Waterline work delayed, Transfer Station running in the red; Haas sworn in as Mayor; Village attempts to recover salary overpayments; Council meeting attendance records; Village Solitary Lee McDermond resigns; Dandelions bloom in December; Friday night volleyball in the Town Hall; Dick Navorska explains his irritation of denial of proposed bait shop building on the shore; T-ball games; EMT class forming; New Years Eve parties at Matsos, the West Bay and the VFW. Albert Fresch, Dan Ahner and Dave Wolf threaten lawsuit against Planning Commission over Port Master Plan. More on the Master Port Plan and possible Wetlands.
January 22, 1992 – Late November dynamite blast orchestrated by Ted Terry, Ed Curilla and Kyle Paine has roots in lawsuit by Ted Terry and Judy Weintraub. Jack Terry is zoning inspector. Kellstone halts stone sales. Farmer wins suit against school board and gets her job back. Shadle elected to Council (Machiavelli would have been proud) as Council members manipulate quorum and meetings. Island phone book to be produced. Two petty thefts at the Island market and airport. Popeyes to be renamed Kelleys Cove. Virginia Neuman opens a new gift shop called Lighthouse Gifts on Neuman’s Dock. Annalee to manage. Winter returned and the Erie Isle (used to ferry quarry workers) was mired in ice. GTE makes 2nd installment on grant to study business development opportunities for the Island. B&B’s to sponsor tour of all 7 inns and hold a bike rally. Randal Strickler selected as new Village Solicitor. Photo of work on the new KIFBL dock.
February 14, 1992– The Fireman’s Ball. Voter challenges in the offing as Charlie Moore begins challenging up to 100 individuals. New Transfer Station rates in effect. 911 house numbers being assigned.
Does Fireperch start fires? Or put them out?
February 29, 1992 – The Shirley Irene begins ferry service from the Sandusky dock-$3 per person one-way; Councilmen question mailing of transfer station bills to residents but not businesses and the lawsuit is mentioned. A list of those businesses appears totaling $5,325. Report on February’s School Board meeting. Fireman’s Ball a success in spite of the weather. Mayor Haas complains about Perchie Press reporting. The Port Hole has been sold to Ken and Kathy Reddinger. Police Chief Ron Schnittker denies an increase in break ins.
March 20, 1992 – Transfer Station usage fees increase 67%. Voter Challenges: 48 people called to public hearing and the list appears. Village audit report release. Council switches to monthly meetings. The Porthole is now Bag The Moon Saloon. The Harbor Line ordinance passes. The Village Funds 1992. Review of Caroline DeBoard’s book: Beyond the Brink: A story of hope.
April 17, 1992 – Master Plan Shore District public hearing to be held.
April 24, 1992 – 911 to begin May 5. Transfer Station changes fees, how to administer them, etc. Businesses are required to register for the Excise Tax. Moral Turpitude was defined. Henry Beatty is 91 years old. EMTs seeking recruits. Private clubs and liquor laws. The Glaciers are still affecting the lake and the land. School audit cites former School Board Treasurer Sharon Miller for phone calls as does the Village audit. Grant money received to widen and repave Woodford Rd. from Harbor Lane to the Lake. State to make repairs to SR 575. E/W runway widening should resume.
The Perchie Press is one year old – and talks like a one year old, and crawls like a one year old, BUT watch out for the terrible twos.
Vol. II, No. 6 – missing
May 8, 1992 – Shoreline zoning passes but the Port Master Plan is stalled. Caddy Shack, Bag the Moon Saloon and the Casino all opened in May. Matso’s Place – The Lodge recently sold and is now the Water Street Café. Bob Neubrander (proprietor of Captain Bob’s in the General Store) will manage. Kelleys Cove (formerly Popeyes) now open. Davids and Southwinds gift shops scheduled to open as well as Lighthouse gift shop at Neumans dock. There is also a gift shop at Seaway Marina. Transfer Station cuts hours. Curfew for minors 17 and younger now in effect (11:00 pm). Zoning Appeals Board denies two requests for variances – Dick Sennish for C2 set back and Robert Schnittker’s garage within the 10 ft setback. Girl Scouts pitch in and pick up. K I Landowners Assoc. host ‘meet your neighbors picnic.’ Section of Master Plan no. VI-Land Use. Island starts in two videos. The Water Dept. offers springtime water tips. Lake Erie size compared with other lakes.
May 22, 1992 – Update on Island construction. Zoning Hearing sizzles and fizzles on procedural issues. D-Day for Port Master Plan (has second reading with very little discussion). Council approves purchasing some new office equipment. Lentz trial schedule for June 8 – multi-million dollar civil suit against the Village and others brought by Edward Lentz. Lentz claimed civil rights were violated by Village police officers in 1989. Lentz was shot 3 times and attacked an officer. Transfer station rates refined and modified. Three break-ins discovered. Kids story time series at the library. K I Historical holds an encore reunion of Lake Erie Commercial Fishermen: Henry Beatty, Ron Beatty, Ben Elfers, Jack Betzenheimer and Dick Sennish reliving some of the good old days fishing. Matso’s Place changes to the Water Street Café. Information from Chapter X of the Master Plan. A list of zoning permits appears. Unk’l Diks to be built.
June 12, 1992 – The Class of 1992 – Pam Haig, Mike Ludu, Ray Mansell Jr. Photo of Memorial Day at the cemetery, VFW Post commander Joe Onders. Portable toilet placed at airport, rental and weekly cleanout donated by Ed. Kuchar. Geraldine Betzenheimer is Postmaster (nice picture). A new business, The Island Fudge Shop opens. Churches sponsor vacation bible schools. Real estate photos and listings.
June 26, 1992 – The KIFBL to start service from Marblehead on July 1. Governor George Voinovich visits the Island. Boat explodes in Marina, a 6-year old boy was badly burned and was rescued by Terry Johnson the Casino chef. The KI Fire Dept. remained on the scene for two days and Sunday night as the fire kept reigniting in different areas of the boat. Ramie Dick replaced Chuck Herndon as Planning Commission chairman and Marcie Mielke was elected Secretary. Lentz trial delayed. 911 still not active. KIHA will host an art show at the church. Catherine (Kay) Bozic obituary. Police conduct safety check and drug investigation training. Transfer Station hours and recycling rates change. The Port Master Plan passed. Road repairs are needed. Ken Neufer no longer Airport Manager, claims removal is revenge due to conflict with Jake Martin. Landing fee box missing since January. Paving complete at the airport. Second Jet Express put into service. A neophyte goes charter fishing. List of recently issued building permits.
Some call a subscription to The Perchie Press a FREEDOM FROM IGNORANCE of what is happening on the Island. Others refer to a subscription to The Perchie Press as an ADDICTION TO IGNORANCE. We prefer to think of it is as a DECLARATION OF INDEPENEDENCE from the creditors and politicians.
July 26, 1992 – Forget Jake! Cite the Whole Council. Recap of Lorain Journal article in which Ted Terry wants to remove Jake Martin from Council, particularly because of the duplex built on Woodford Rd. there were conflicting verbal comments, Council tried to pass new zoning with a hearing, and the square footage was under review. Dynamiting by Ed Curilla on Huntington Lane touches off big bang conflict which ended up in court. Backtracking and corrections occurred as no one seemed to be familiar with what the code actually said. Harbor Lane on top of list for paving. 1993 budget appears. Council agrees to ‘take action’ against the deer on the Island. Island magician, Leo L. Goldner honored. Unpaid transfer station fees head to court. Craft’s zoning request denied; proposed from R-1 to C1 for Craft’s Bait Shop (but not the area on the other side of the road). New set of fees to rent Village properties. What about liquor in the town Hall.
The Perchie Press begins publishing monthly.
August 21, 1992 – The Civil Air Patrol schedules search and rescue simulated emergency, which turned into a real disaster scene off Long Point. Mentioned are Ron Covert, Javier Melendez, Ron Schnittker, Underwater Research Assoc., Paul Buescher and Jack Wade. Dubious Duplex Dilemma Drones On – The battle over the duplex on Woodford Rd continues in several articles and a long letter to the editor. Mentioned: Chuck Herndon, Jake Martin, Jack Terry, Buddy Yoscovits, Edward Kuchar, Russ Matso. Police and EMTs handled over 90 calls and made 82 arrests. Pat & Lori Hayes host their Annual Victorian Lawn Party. Police Dept. held a Jail & Bail fund raiser at Homecoming. List of building permits issued. Sidewalks installed in in 1987 and involved in a lawsuit nearing a settlement. Mentioned: Randy Strickler, Lee McDermond, Ed Curilla, Jake Martin, Russ Matso. Outside prosecutor hired in case against Ed Curilla, cited on three occasions for allowing stone to be removed from his property on Huntington Ln. Shannon Road to be vacated. Joseph Onders obituary.
September 25, 1992 – Jake Martin files lawsuit over duplex. Public opposed to changing sq. ft. in ordinance. Letter outlining specifications for dwelling units submitted by Jack Terry, Bev Johnson, Marcy Mielke and Dave Van Auken. A complete text of the lawsuit is included. The September meeting of Council dominated by Personnel issues. Park Board: Bruce and Leslie Korenko and Paul and Vicki Finnegan. Airport Manager: Ken Haig replaced Ken Neufer. Water Superintendent: Bruce Korenko. Planning Commission: Ralph Wilms. Bud Minch speaks at Council against Jake Martin. Article on recalling a Council person. Mayor Haas wants a noise ordinance. 3rd Wellness for Women Retreat. Bruce Korenko named Water Plant Superintendent. Recent building permits list. Assessed waterline project finally underway to start in Spring: Sweetbriar Subdivision, Woodford, East Point, Martin Lanes and McGettigan. EMS to bill for services. Court upholds availability fee at Transfer Station. Several real and alleged incidents involved gun fire have been reported. Paving and waterline issues. 911 finally operational. A story about Christopher Columbus.
October 30, 1992 – Elections 1992. Martin suit – It’s in litigation. Violation notices posted but no citation yet. Over 100 residents sign a petition demanding enforcement of the laws of Kelleys Island in a uniform and equitable manner. Text in shoreline zoning to be modified. Jay Johnson writes about his first trip to Kelleys Island in 1955. Draft Noise Ordinance considered. Died: Josephine (Pohorence) Krizek, Oscar Bilodeau, and Harold Neuman. Shannon Way is abandoned. The Planning Commission considers massive and sweeping changes to zoning ordinance. Road paving to start. Sidewalk suit settled in August; the assessments “were in excess of the benefits conferred upon such parcel” and relief was due to all property owners who were assessed.
November 1992 – missing
December 5, 1992 – Change of use for Annaliese’s Treasure Chest approved. Village awarded Issue 2 funds for E. Lakeshore. Council caves in on duplex lawsuit and discusses Curilla situation. Zoning Code changes needed. Ambulance building is renovated; EMT President is Sally Dwight. Airport Manager & Street Commissioner jobs merged, John Kuyoth appointed. Planning Commission to ask Erie County Health Dept. to take action on several nuisance properties. Zoning Map accepted. Another structure erected without a permit on Melody Lane by Jake Martin and owned by Ed Kuchar. No septic permit secured.
January 29, 1993 – Supreme Court rules Island Excise Tax unconstitutional. Dubious Duplex Dilemma Deepens as the lawsuit brought by Jake Martin against the Village took an unexpected turn when Island citizens filed a motion to intervene to have an out of court agreement ratified and the case dismissed. The new zoning code hearing is set for Feb. 13 and the entire text of the code is included. The School Board takes the suit filed by Donna Farmer to a higher appeal court. The court found she was improperly fired. A new large housing development is in the planning stage near Titus Road and Division Street. Plans to be presented to a special Planning Commission meeting. To include 300 dwelling units. Kellstone wants a portion of Bookerman Road vacated.
February 26, 1993 – A 7 mill levy and parking fee sought to replace unconstitutional Island Excise Tax. The Motion to Intervene has not been decided. Names mentioned: Jake Martin, Randy Strickler, Dan McGookey, Ted Terry, Robert Coulon, Dan Martine, Rob Watkins, Richard Sennish, Don St. Julian, Donna Farmer, Don Alexander, Ester Sennish, Charles Moore, Chris Wetzel, David Phinney, Jerry Taylor, Robert Stoup, Ann Ludu, Marian Shanko, Thomas Terry, Bud Minch, Pamela Betzenheimer and Ted Klonaris. New Zoning on fast track with very few changes. Henry T. ‘Hennie’ Beatty, 91, obituary. Transfer Station bills went out, fee is $85 and by the pound charge. Ed Curilla questioned accuracy of BFI invoicing. Village defends Transfer Station fees in suit by Gary Finger. The Police handled two motor vehicle accidents, two hunting complaints, a theft and a broken window. Photo of car being pulled from water at the end of KIFBL dock. A personal letter about Hennie. Small article about Arnold Scheely and how Marge Neufcomb bought Arnold’s house from Father Ehrbar. Randy Strickler is reappointed. Paul Johnson appointed to Board of Public Affairs (Water Dept.). Tap in fees raised from $750 to $1000 and $1250. Council considered new blasting ordinance. Last season’s boat fire litigation continues as Village files suit to recover costs incurred.
March 26, 1993 – The new zoning ordinance is in effect. Village financial future uncertain, considering tax levy. Erie County Health Dept. to hold winter clinics on Island. All unpaved roads are full of mud, particularly Harbor Lane. Developers are ready to move on the Titus Rd/Division St. development and begin with condominium portion of the project. Planning Commission denies land split request from Bob Gruly to separate house next to Bag the Moon with Portside Marina. A garbage truck may be in the Island’s future. Easter Egg hunt sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. New Park Board gets $4,912 grant to install a fence, a bench and a play complex in the downtown park. Obituary for Mary Jean Schwartz. “Speaking of the Pot calling the Kettle Black” letter from Ed Kuchar citing problems with Jack Terry, his brother Ted Terry and son-in-law Edward Curilla. Councilman Bud Yoscovits challenges minutes from last council meeting. He questioned what constitutes a quorum and a majority. Auxiliary police force proposed. 1993 fund appropriations. Water Dept. to clean 8,200 feet of water line.
May 1, 1993 – Claims against Ted Terry for dumping sewage are investigated and dismissed by the Erie County Health Dept. Claims made by Ed Kuchar in letter to the paper. Water Dept. Supt. Bruce Korenko sends letter indicating no contamination was found and water is safe. Health Dept. notes regarding the investigation appear. Donna Farmer lawsuit to be decided by Ohio Supreme Court, based on the validity of the review process. Previous case involved providing transportation to the mainland for students. Council passes a re-engineered version of the Business License based on payment of Personal Property Tax list, increase from $25 to $100. Council holds hearing on Kellstone’s bid for the Village vacating Bookerman Road, offering dead end cul de sacs, a tonnage rebate to the Island, and other inducements. The new Zoning Map is approved by Council. House numbers have to be up before June. Josh Van Orman appointed to the Air Force Academy. Zion United Methodist Church celebrates centennial. Police Chief Ron Schnittker response to poor coverage accusations. The Water Street Café undergoes major renovation including a brick exterior.